Before starting, there are two very important points to keep in mind when studying for an exam. The first one is that learning is not a grade. The second one is that one of the most common mistakes when studying for an exam it is only memorizing. At this point you have to keep in mind that memorizing is not the same as learning.
Memory is the ability that allows us to remember facts, ideas, sensations and relate concepts. Nevertheless, if it is poorly managed we will only superficially retain information for a certain time. Therefore, knowing how to study for an exam is what will allow you to expand your knowledge and remember.
Studying for an Exam: 5 Keys
Keep in mind that when studying for an exam there are different keys that can help you. Learning to study is an activity that is improved through practice, and the main point that you should consider before starting to study for an exam is to propose not to memorize in order to focus on understanding the subject.
1.- Planning:
Start by organizing all the hours of the day so that you can study, complete other academic work and carry out your personal activities.
Establish a study schedule and then plan how much time you will spend on each subject. You can spend the first hours on the broad and complex topics, and then move on to the topics in which you have greater mastery.
2.- Study reasoning:
It does not matter if it is a complex subject or one that you master. Read each topic carefully before beginning to underline, in order to get an idea of the content, and then identify those sentences that contain the main ideas.
The information you select will work for you to make a scheme, which will serve as a synthesis.
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3.- Dynamic resources:
When we have to study for an exam, sometimes the tools we use do not allow us to concentrate for said activity. If this is your case, identify what are the elements that do not allow you to concentrate and look for alternatives to solve it.
For example, maybe you have a hard time concentrating on your notes, maybe you could look for visual supports and combine both study methods.
4.- Exercise:
The relationship between exercise and academic success is proven. When you do cardiovascular exercises (running, swimming, cycling, etc.), your brain is oxygenated, which helps to be better prepared and process information much better. Even walking outside can help you make more sense of the information you just learned.
5.- Rest:
Taking breaks while studying is just as important as spending time in front of your books or notes, remember that to process all the new information you need to be well rested. Studying for a test by reasoning and not by memorizing will help you meet your academic goals. When you reason you are able to understand and relate concepts and ideas about the subjects you study, and to achieve this level of preparation for your exams, you need to start studying early.
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